
Automate & Leverage
Accelerator's workflow modeler provides a visual way to define your process and ensure that the right people receive the right information every time.
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A Rocket Fuel for Documents and Data

Accelerator's deep integration potential with common solutions like email, file storage, and enterprise software keeps your data where you need it. And fully-customizable integration with FiberTrace™ can help lighten the load on your compliance team.

Communication & assessment tool

Enable your suppliers to describe their entire supply chains, all the way back to the source, and automatically create new sub-suppliers in FiberTrace™ for your team to assess.

Data storage & organization

Collect documents and information directly from your suppliers for each transaction, route them for credit check, purchase approval, import declaration, etc., and automatically organize the documents in your own storage solution.

Offline application for all devices

Download the Accelerator™ Pro app for Apple or Android and use your forms and workflows for field audits in remote areas, even when you don’t have internet access.

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Illustrated Accelerator overview